Assignment: Review the Step 3 Prayer:
“Higher Power, I have tried to control the uncontrollable for far too long. I ask that you take this burden from me. I acknowledge that my life is unmanageable. I ask for your care and guidance. Grant me honesty, courage, humility, and serenity, to face that which keeps me from you and others. I give this life to you, to do with as you will.”
What, if anything, about this prayer works for you?
I love the last part – what a combo of four things to ask for! Nothing there about specific outcomes for me or anybody else, and besides, the asking is just to bring me closer to God and others! That is a beautiful prayer and wish.
What, if anything, about this prayer do you resist?
I am still trying to manage my life and still trying to attain certain outcomes, for me and others.
Write your own version of this prayer, using as little or as much of the original as you choose.
Great Spirit,
Here I am again, at the point where my attempts to control always bring me, a place of fatique and frustration and despair. It’s a hard place but one of remembering: I cannot do this! And trying to do what I can’t is making me miserable. Please help me to remember this at all times: that you are in charge, that life is what it is, and all I can control is how I respond. Please help me stay honest with myself and others, so that I may humbly align my truth with yours, then speak and live it fully. All I want is deep, sincere connection with you, my true self, and the world around me.
[…] words, is something I made up to distract me from right now. If I drop it, that’s one less thing between me and reality. Between me and my higher power. Between me and myself. My […]