Don’t let this rainy weather make you skip hiking this weekend. Check out the Cascades Forest for this weekend, and tell me if that looks like good weather for doing your favorite Portland hikes!
Feel like joining a group hike? Scroll down for a sampling of what local groups are offering this weekend.

Conditions are basically ideal everywhere. We are in the “sweet spot” between the bugs of summer and the cool of fall, so pick a hike and go for it. I recommend something on Mount Hood, like McNeil Point, or near there, like Lookout Mountain.
Meanwhile, here are some news items to consider:
- PCT Days is this weekend in Cascade Locks. It’s a big ol’ party with lots of vendors and hikers and information.
- A reminder to be careful: Somebody died on the Angels Rest hike, which seems to happen almost annually.
- There’s a race around Mount Saint Helens this Saturday, so you might want to avoid the Loowit Trail.
- Cloud Cap Road on Mount Hood is still closed. This means you can’t get to the Cooper Spur Trailhead, but you can still do the hike. You just have to take the Tilly Jane Trail from the base of the road. That’s about an 1,800-foot climb in three miles, so it’s a long day or a backpack.
- Bull of the Woods from Pansy Lake, which is in my 60 Hikes book, seems to be in good shape. Nice place to spend some time.
- Here’s an idea to extend your Elk Meadows hike to include some ramblings through Heather Canyon and the Mt. Hood Meadows ski area.
- Elk Lake Creek is a gorgeous place, and one that is high on the list for inclusion in the new 60 Hikes book. Here’s a report from pdxgene on

Looking ahead a bit:
- I guess we’ll need a Washington Sno Park permit this year, because of this.
- The McCord Creek section of the Historic Columbia River Highway will be open after October 31.
- Meetings have been scheduled for September 11 and 12 to discuss plans for the Salmonberry Corridor. Can you imagine if this was a trail?!?!?

And just for fun …
- Check out the Oregon Swimming Holes app!
- Not really newsy, but it’s fun to see – thanks (again) to PDXGene on – these monthly shots of Trillium Lake, Silver Falls State Park, Ramona Falls, and Burnt Lake.
Group Hikes This Weekend
The Mazamas are going to Vista Ridge, Siouxon Creek and Tom-Dick Mountain on Saturday, Herman Creek, Hunchback Mountain, and Serene Lake on Sunday. I’m leading the Serene Lake loop, and there’s still room on it. Get in touch if you want to go.
The Sierra Club has a Goat Rocks backpack and a tour of the Bull Run Watershed.
… and that’s about it for this week! See you on the trails.
Hiking news/conditions for this weekend, including a race around Mt St Helens & a PCT party in Cascade Locks: