I will be leading an awesome hike this September 15-21 for the Mazamas. It’s called Hiking and Climbing in the Trinity Alps, and as of today there are still a couple of spots left!
I am always amazed Portland hikers don’t know more about the Trinities. It’s basically the same drive as to the Wallowas, only south instead of east, and hiking in the the Trinity Alps is like the Wallowas on steroids! Just look at these pictures from Google Images!
I’ve been on two hiking trips down there, both in September; I’ve never slept in the tent, never swatted a bug, and seen a total of three other hikers. (compare that to the Wallowas!) But I’ve never made it to this particular area, which ironically is the most popular place around. It’s called the Canyon Creek Lakes area, and we’ll be there for six nights, then spend a night in a B&B down there before driving back to Portland.
We will hike in about seven miles to our first camp, gaining 3,000 feet along the way. From there we’ll climb Mt. Hilton (8,964’), then after two nights move camp a few miles. From that camp, we’ll have two full days to explore and/or climb Thompson Peak (9,002’) and Sawtooth Peak (8,886’). Then we’ll hike out and stay in a motel or B&B in Weaverville, CA.
On those climbing days, you can also explore around, lie in camp, whatever. Climbs are optional and rated as Class 3 scrambles. There’s a lot of this around:
Cost is $150-180, depending on various factors, and includes the B&B. To get more information, or to get the forms you need to apply, shoot me an email.
Follow me on Twitter (@60HikesPortland) or like the “60 Hikes” page on Facebook.
I don’t just hike, though: I’m also the Portland Breakfast Guy. Check out BreakfastinBridgetown.com.
[schema type=”event” evtype=”SportsEvent” name=”Trinity Alps Backpack and Climb” description=”A six-day hiking and climbing adventure in the California wilderness.” sdate=”2013-09-15″ edate=”2013-09-21″ ]