Portland Brunch News Roundup:
Four New Places on the East Side This Month!

Which Portland brunch place is next to try its luck at this “cursed” location?

Portland Brunch news: Pasta Allegro tries brunch at NE Fremont and MLK.
Does green finally mean “go” at the corner of MLK and Fremont?

Find out in the latest roundup of Portland brunch news at BreakfastInBridgetown.com!

In the latest roundup, we cover the closure of a Sellwood patisserie, the usual chaos of breakfast carts, and four — yes, four — new weekend brunches starting this month on the east side alone. Included in the flavors: Italian, Mexican and Polish. And one of them is where Belly used to be … and Carpaccio … and Terroir ….

Get all the deets at my Portland brunch blog.

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