“How Was Your Trip”?

I really kind of hate that question. It’s nice that people ask, I suppose, but it cannot be answered, and really, they don’t want you to. All this was on my mind when I wrote this piece for the Memphis Flyer.

How Was Your Trip?

Struggling with the question no one wants you to answer.

If you’ve ever gone on a trip, you’ve heard the Question.

Let’s say you go down to the Caribbean, stay in a quiet little resort with its own beach, charter a boat for a day, go snorkeling, cook a fresh fish dinner in the bungalow, and walk on the beach in the moonlight. And let’s say that was one night in a week of such nights.

After this transformative experience, during which every day was a new adventure filled with interesting experiences, you return home to see your friends and family. And what do they say?

“How was your trip?”

Read the rest at MemphisFlyer.com.