Over Labor Day Weekend, I helped to lead the Mazamas’ annual Round The Mountain hike, where we hike the Timberline Trail in three days, spending each night in their lodge near Government Camp.
It’s a great way to hike the Timberline Trail, staying indoors with three cooked meals per day and van support to the trailhead!
Here are some photos from the hike, which was rainy for two days and beautiful the third. You can click on each one to see the (too large) file.
Looks fun, doesn’t it?
PCT/Timberline sign behind the lodge.
And we’re off! Here a little west of Timberline Lodge.
Lots of crossings — this is the ZigZag River.
Brief pause in Paradise Park. Some of these plants had blueberries.
Descending to the Sandy River.
Crossing the Sandy.
This is on the Ramona Falls Trail.
Day 2 had us go from Elk Cove Trailhead to Top Spur Trailhead.
Some of the scenery in the Dollar Lake Fire.
Viewpoint along the Elk Cove Trail.
Lovely log steps on a crossing below Elk Cove
Boy we were happy to see this fire in the shelter at Cairn Basin!
Day 3 started at Timberline Lodge again, this time headed for Cooper Spur. Great morning view of Jefferson and the Sisters.
Crossing the Salmon River near Timberline.
Descending into White River Canyon
Great morning walking above the clouds!
So glad we were going down this sandy bit!
Looking back at White River.
Jefferson — a little artsy photo for me
Most of our hike was in the Mt. Hood Wilderness.
Now coming into Mount Hood Meadows.
Great scenery — and blue sky! — in Meadows.
Across a ski run.
Apparently this is quite a jump in winter time.
Waterfall beyond Mt. Hood Meadows.
Closeup of the falls.
Great colors — include fall colors on Labor Day Weekend. Crazy year.
Approaching Cooper Spur, Mount Adams in the background.
Big view over the Hood River Valley towards the Columbia and Mount Adams.
Home stretch, headed down to Cloud Cap.
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