My English Soccer Guidebook is Now for Sale

For a few years now, I’ve been working on a guidebook for Americans who love English soccer.

Brentford FC in London
Brentford FC in London

The book, which I am calling The Groundhopper’s Guide to Soccer in England, is set to be published this summer. I am finishing up the writing right now, in fact. Meanwhile, I invite you to keep up with it all over at my all-soccer website,

You can also subscribe to my soccer newsletter, The Yankee Groundhopper, and get updates every couple of weeks with helpful tips, interesting information and (I hope) entertaining stories. Do that right here.

And now you can pre-purchase your very own copy of The Groundhopper’s Guide and be sure to have it before next season starts in August. It’s just $15.

The book will include travel and ticket advice, cultural background, some stories from my footballing adventures, and profiles of more than 40 English clubs: their history, their songs, their stadiums, their rivalries, and where to eat and drink before the game.

Get all that for just $15 today!