New Year’s Resolution

(written to a friend)

You make some fine pledges, my friend, and bring me no small amount of joy — not just with your too-occasional writings but with the recent news of your pending arrival in P-town. They say we put our intentions out to the universe and it responds in its own time and way, and while I didn’t realize it would take 14 years and a job to get you out here — I thought perhaps a promise of golf and whiskey would have done the trick — I shall nonetheless be happy to entertain you. And be entertained by you. And wallow in your considerable presence.

My Appearance on the “Re-Doing Media” Podcast

I sure had fun yesterday on Cascadia.FM’s show, Re-Doing Media. Betsy Richter and Robert Wagner host the show, which is about the transformation of the media (whatever that term even means any more) in the digital age (whatever that means).
I was there to talk about the future of books and publishing, and it was a good conversation. We tackled such subjects as Is the physical book a goner, how ever will Borders survive, and are used books bad for your health. You can listen to or download the show at the Re-Doing Media site.
A few links from stuff that I can remember mentioning: is the Northwest Association of Book Publishers, to which I belong. does enhanced e-Books. is my mobile book booth.

Coming Soon: The Portland Foodcart Book!

Foodcarts are all the rage these days, in Portland and elsewhere, and just as the wave is cresting, there’s a book about it! Or, there will be very soon.
Check out Cartopia: Portland’s Foodcart Revolution. It’s not so much a guidebook as it is “documenting – through stories and photography – the perfect storm of Portland’s independent culture, artisan economy, and foodie scene that created the street food revolution.” In other words, it’s about the big picture: the food, people, architecture, economy, urban planning, and the social scene.

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