Look for Breakfast in Bridgetown at Powells.com, Amazon, or one of these local outlets:
(stay tuned as more are added)
A Children’s Place Bookstore at 4807 NE Fremont
Annie Bloom’s Books in Multnomah Village
Broadway Books at 1714 NE Broadway or via their website at broadwaybooks.net
Graham’s Books at 460 2nd Street in Lake Oswego
Land Gallery at 3925 N Mississippi
Local Discoveries at 1627 NE Alberta
Multnomah Athletic Club MPorium at 1849 SW Salmon St.
New Seasons — some locations. (And if not, tell ’em to get it!)
Oblation Papers at 516 NW 12th.
Oregon Historical Society gift shop at 1200 SW Park Ave.
Powells — all stores
Presents of Mind at 3633 SE Hawthorne
Stella’s on 21st at 1108 NW 21st Ave.
St. Johns Booksellers at 8622 N Lombard