(I am more than a year behind on posting this, but what can I say? I was in Portland breakfast world.)
Southwest Portland’s Marquam Nature Park, which is an excellent place for a hike any time of year, has a great art installation at the trailhead.
As it’s explained at the website for the Friends of Marquam Nature Park:
The Marquam Mosaic was created as a participatory public art project led by renowned Portland artist Lynn Takata that involved children, families and adults in making a 100′ long mosaic for the Marquam Nature Park amphitheater. The public was invited to create ceramic and mosaic art and poetry based on the native flora and fauna of Marquam Nature Park.
It’s an utterly charming thing, well-made and professional but retaining little-kid charm. And there’s really nothing much to add, except that the hike to Council Crest, which starts there, is good any time of year.
Meanwhile, here are some photos of the mosaic to enjoy: