How to Entertain an 11-Year-Old

I put up a post on Facebook that got a lot of interest andresponses. And somebody suggested I compile the comments into a list. Thequestion was, “How do you entertain a bored 11-year-old?”

I have a “little” with Big Brothers Big Sisters, andsometimes we (I) run out of ideas. My Facebook friends came through in style,and Roman has come up with some winners, as well.

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More Trails and Tables of Tuscany

In April/May 2013, I will be leading a fabulous trip to Tuscany for the Mazamas, a Portland-based hiking club. It’s a combination of hiking, food and wine, and local culture and history.

To find out more about Mazamas Outings in general, and get the forms you need to apply for the trip, visit the Outings website. To read an article I wrote about hiking in Tuscany, click here. For an example of the way we’ll be eating, click here. For an introduction to our Tuscan guide, click here. And for a light-hearted take on Tuscan Time, click here.

Continue reading “More Trails and Tables of Tuscany”

New Project: Peaceful Places in Portland

I have started on a new book called Peaceful Places in Portland, to be released in the fall of 2012 by Menasha Ridge Press. For an example of what it’s all about, check out their Peaceful Places in New York book.

And so now I have a blog, where I will share some of my discoveries as I work on the book — and also seek your suggestions. Check it out over at There’s even a Facebook page for the book. And for my own little intro to what it’s all about, read the first blog post, called “What is ‘Peaceful Places in Portland?‘ “